American Youth Are Unique – Let’s Play to Their Strengths

We need to establish our American identity in our system of education. Our youth are Americans who want to participate in meaningful ways. They want to explore the world and connect with others, they want voice. American youth want to create meaningful change, and know they are capable. As older Americans, we may seek theirContinue reading “American Youth Are Unique – Let’s Play to Their Strengths”

We – the People – Are the Inspiration

If we gathered all the service projects we have created – and organized them by topic so we could see what we have, we would find overwhelming evidence that as a people, we are wonderfully equipped with capability. We already have so much of what we need. Beyond the project details, there is an incrediblyContinue reading “We – the People – Are the Inspiration”

Solution in Our Midst

My husband teaches language arts in our local middle school and he receives publications from NYSUT (New York State United Teachers). I was struck by the recent cover photo and the statistic: 1 in 4 children in New York live in poverty. When I think of poverty, the first thing that comes to mind isContinue reading “Solution in Our Midst”

Let’s Fix Food Insecurity

“An estimated 100 billion pounds of food, enough to totally eliminate hunger, is thrown away annually in the United States. It does not have to be this way.” It’s nothing short of amazing that we continue to allow this contrast to exist without correction. We have the supplies, tools, and intelligence to fix thisContinue reading “Let’s Fix Food Insecurity”

Of the People, By the People, For the People

Americans have always been a forward thinking and innovative people. Our consideration of “the people,” which defined our uniqueness, can expand to include our children—those among us who remind us of purity of purpose—regenerating our potential as a people. A national K-12 service initiative makes sense to the average citizen, is immediately actionable, embraces existingContinue reading “Of the People, By the People, For the People”